


发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 13:05



热心网友 时间:2024-10-30 04:31

Summary: Face 21 centuries, social of height internationalization, information-based make modern the education face the deep change, traditional education mode also therefore be subjected to the impact. In recent years, the campus net is becoming essential information infrastructure in each school gradually; its scale and the application level will be an importance marking of the teaching and research comprehensive real strength that measures the school. The information technique that regards the calculator as the core necessarily will cause the deep change of the education teaching realm, network teaching, long range teaching, the commonly shared education modern ear of resources of education is walking toward us, the construction of the campus network, for constructed or purchase the modern to educate the new teaching education mode to provide the most ideal teaching environment. How develop the function of the campus net well, become put in our in front of a lately topic.

Keyword: The campus net set up; Network equipments; Network solution; the campus net design; the system gather.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-30 04:32

Abstract: Faced with the 21st century, society's highinternationalization, the information causes the modern education toface the profound change, the traditional education pattern alsotherefore is under the impact. In recent years, the campus netgradually was becoming various schools necessary informationinfrastructure, its scale and the application level will be weighs theschool teaching and a scientific research synthesis strength importantsymbol. Will certainly take the computer as the core informationtechnology to cause the education teaching domain the profound change,the network teaching, the long-distance teaching, the educationresources sharing education new times to walk to us, the campusnetwork construction, for constructed the construction moderneducation new teaching education pattern to provide the most idealteaching environment. How fully displays the campus net the function,becomes suspends in front of us a new topic.
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