

曾经我无法继续 跌跌撞撞 独自挣扎什么英文歌的歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-19 16:07



热心网友 时间:2023-09-03 12:53

歌曲:you are not alone
歌手:michael jackson
Another day has gone (时间一天又一天的过去)
I m still all alone (我依然孤身一人)
How could this be (怎么可以...)
You re not here with me (你怎么可以不在我身边)
You never said goodbye (你说过永不分手)
Someone tell me why (谁能告诉我为什么)
Did you have to go (你要离开我)
And leave my world so cold (把我一个人留在这个冷酷的世界)
Everyday I sit and ask myself (每天我都在不断的问自己)
How did love slip away (为什么爱情离我而去)
Something whispers in my ear and says (这时耳边有个声音轻轻对我说)
That you are not alone (其实你并不孤独)
For I am here with you (因为我一直陪在你的身边)
Though you re far away (虽然你离我很远)
I am here to stay (我都会一直在这里等着你)
For You are not alone (你并不孤独)
I am here with you (我会永远陪着你)
Though we re far apart (虽然我们相隔千山万水)
You re always in my heart (但是你永远都在我心里)
And You are not alone (你不孤独)
All alone lone (孤独,孤独)
Why, oh (为什么,oh~~~)
Just the other night (曾经的一个夜晚)
I thought I heard you cry (我仿佛听到你哭着对我说)
Asking me to come (希望我来到你身边)
And hold you in my arms (拥你入怀)
I can hear your prayers (我听到了你的祷告)
Your burdens I will bear (我真的心甘情愿为你承担一切)
But first I need your hand (只要你牢牢抓住我的手)
So forever can begin (我们永远都不要再分开)
Everyday I sit and ask myself (每天我都在不断的问自己)
How did love slip away (为什么爱情离我而去)
Something whispers in my ear and says (这时耳边有个声音轻轻对我说)
That you are not alone (其实你并不孤独)
For I am here with you (因为我一直陪在你的身边)
Though you re far away (虽然你离我很远)
I am here to stay (我都会一直在这里等着你)
For You are not alone (你并不孤独)
I am here with you (我会永远陪着你)
Though we re far apart (虽然我们相隔千山万水)
You re always in my heart (但是你永远都在我心里)
And you are not alone (你不再孤独)
Whisper three words and I ll come runnin (只要你轻轻地说那三个字,我就会奔向你)
And girl you know that I ll be there (女孩,你要知道我会永远守候着你)
I ll be there (永远....)
And You are not alone (你不孤独)
I am here with you (我会永远陪着你)
Though you re far away (虽然你离我很远)
I am here to stay (我都会一直在这里等着你)
And You are not alone (你不孤独)
I am here with you (我会永远陪着你)
Though we re far apart (虽然我们相隔千山万水)
You re always in my heart (但是你永远都在我心里)
You are not alone(You are not alone) (你不孤独)
For I am here with you(I am here with you) (因为我一直陪在你的身边)
Though you re far away(Though you re far away) (虽然你离我很远)
I am here to stay(And you with me) (我都会一直在这里等着你)
For you are not alone(You re always) (你并不孤独)
In my heart.....For I am here with you (因为我会一直陪在你的身边)
Heart.....Though we re far apart (虽然我们相隔千山万水)
Heart.....You re always in my heart 但是你永远都在我心里)
For You are not alone (你并不孤独)
Not alone (不孤独)
You are not alone, you are not alone...(你不孤独......)
You just reach for me girl (因为你是我的女孩)
In the morning in the evening (无论早晨还是夜晚)
Not alone, not alone (不孤独,你不孤独)
And you with me, not alone (因为有我,你不孤独)

热心网友 时间:2023-09-03 12:53

曾经我无法继续 跌跌撞撞 独自挣扎什么英文歌的歌词

You're Not Alone
演唱:Owl City

Some days I barely hold on
When life drags me down
I wanna let go

But when my spirit is weak
You come to my aid
And strengthen my soul

I'm lost without You
I'll never doubt You
Your grace is beyond compare

And though when it rains, it pours
You know all I have is Yours
You smile when you hear my prayer

You rescue me, and I believe
That God is love and He is all I need
From this day forth, for all eternity

I'll never wander on my own
For I am Yours until You call me home
I close my eyes and I can hear you say,
\\"You're not alone\\"

Some days I just can't go on
I stumble and fall and I hang my head
But you reach out for my hand
And you lift me up
Again and again
Oh yes, You do
I'm lost without You
I'll never doubt You
Your grace is beyond compare

And though when it rains, it pours
You know all I have is Yours
You smile when you hear my prayer

You rescue me, and I believe
That God is love and He is all I need
From this day forth, for all eternity

I'll never wander on my own
For I am Yours until You call me home
I close my eyes and I can hear you say,
\\"You're not alone\\"

In the face of my depravity
For God so loved the world, He died for me, yeah
My fire burns 'till He returns
And takes me home beyond the galaxy

You rescue me, and I believe
That God is love and He is all I need
From this day forth, for all eternity
I'll never wander on my own
For I am Yours until You call me home
I close my eyes and I can hear you say,
\\"You're not alone\\"

热心网友 时间:2023-09-03 12:54

The climb

热心网友 时间:2023-09-03 12:54

OWL city You're Not Alone
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