

生日快乐 英文的祝福语

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-19 16:35



热心网友 时间:2022-04-14 07:22


let the text message send you my blessing words, the strong feelings are in this sincere heart, may your birthday be full of endless happiness, may your memories be warm tomorrow, and may your dreams come true in the new year!


The big blessing at the beginning of one's life, the small blessing in a hurry all the way, the new blessing of lighting candles every time, the old blessing of blowing out candles every time. Happy birthday, you must be happy forever.


When the first ray of sunshine in the morning is sprinkled on the window sill, I believe that I will take off a drop of dew beads from the petals and give it to you. I dedicate the flowers collected from the world garden in spring to you, wish you a bright youth like flowers, and wish you a happy birthday!


Play beautiful melody to release joyful mood; Open the birthday present and set foot on the happy road. Cut the sweet cake and throw it into the warm embrace. Blow out the candles for your birthday and wish you good luck. Happy birthday!


If there are countless scenes in life, may happiness be the top of the list. If the emotional journey is long and long, may happiness lead the way! Your birthday is accompanied by our blessing.


This is the cycle of time. I hope you have no regrets in your life. This is the exchange of the four seasons. I wish you a brilliant life forever. This is a sincere prayer. I wish my friends a happy birthday and everything they want to achieve.


although the temperature is always changing, although the time has not stopped, although at the moment you and I are thousands of miles away, although blessing is only a message, but the heart of a friend is always thinking, sincere greetings are always with you, happy birthday!


The gentle wind twines my deep thoughts and turns them into sincere wishes. They float and float and float gently down to your side. You should listen to the sound of the wind quietly and feel the pleasure with your heart. That is my wish for your happy birthday.


Every year, there is such a special day, that is today, because today is your birthday. Please accept my sincere blessing and wish you a happier, healthier, safer and better future. Happy birthday.


Today is your birthday. I really can't get the first blessing at 12 o'clock in the evening, but my blessing is not the worst. I have the most sincere heart and best wishes. I wish you a happy birthday with the softest voice.

热心网友 时间:2022-04-14 08:40

With warmth and understanding at this time of sorrow…and friendship that is yours for all the tomorrows. Happy birthday!在这悲伤的时刻,请接受我的慰问和心意……还有永远属于你的永恒的友谊。生日快乐!

I love you more than I can say.Happy birthday!我真不知该如何表达我对你的爱。生日快乐!Thinking of you still makes my heart beat fastest!Happy birthday!想到你依然叫我心跳骤然加快!生日快乐!
You are in my thoughts every minute of the day, in my dream every hour of the night.Happy birthday!白天,每分每秒我都在想念你,夜晚,每时每刻我都在梦见你。生日快乐!
Think of me sometimes while Alps and ocean divide us, but they ever will, unless you wish it. Happy birthday!长相思,天涯海角;情不断,山水难隔。生日快乐!

It's joy to know you, wishing the nicest things always for you, not only today, but all the year through because you are really a joy to know.Happy birthday!认识你是一种快慰,愿你永远拥有最美好的东西,不仅今天拥有,而且天天拥有,因为认识你真是一种慰藉。生日快乐!
A friend is a loving companion at all times.Happy birthday!朋友是永久的知心伴侣。生日快乐!When I think of you the miles between us disappear.Happy birthday!当我想起你,相隔千里,如在咫尺。生日快乐!
You're wonderful friend, and I treasure you more with every year.Happy birthday!你是一位难得的挚友,我对你的珍重与岁俱增。生日快乐!

热心网友 时间:2022-04-14 10:32

happy birthday, wish you have a great birthday day
happy birthday, wish all your dreams come true.
happy birthday,may you be happy always.

热心网友 时间:2022-04-14 15:04

happy birthday, wish you have a great birthday day(生日快乐,愿你有个愉快

热心网友 时间:2022-04-14 17:46

Happy birthday (to you,dear)!(亲爱的,祝你)生日快乐!

热心网友 时间:2022-04-14 20:44

happy birthday!

热心网友 时间:2022-04-14 23:58

Happy Birthday 生日快乐

热心网友 时间:2022-04-15 03:30

happy birthday 生日快乐

热心网友 时间:2022-04-15 07:18


热心网友 时间:2022-04-15 11:22


热心网友 时间:2022-04-15 15:44


热心网友 时间:2022-04-15 20:22


热心网友 时间:2022-04-16 01:16

happy birthday to you!
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