


发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-19 16:35



热心网友 时间:2022-05-11 21:26

1、Happy birthday to a wonderful person!


2、Happy birthday. I hope today treats you well.


3、Congratulations and warmest wishes for your birthday and every day.


4、Here comes today with special pride in all the achievements you have made. May your dearest wishes through all the years in store come true, and make you happier than you have ever been before.


5、Wishing you a wonderful day and a year filled with happiness!


6、May you enjoy to the fullest the joy of today. Wishing that your special day be a winner all the way!


7、May every special happiness fill this day for you and may the year bring all the best things you are looking forward to.


8、Congratulations on your birthday. May the coming year be filled with happiness and success.


9、May your life brighter as each birthday comes and goes. The nicest kind of birthday that could be wishes for you.


10、Many happy returns of this special day. All our best wishes go to you on your birthday.


11、May your birthday be a celebration of the life. Wish you all happiness, health and prosperity with many returns of the day.


12、Hope your birthday is like you——special.A Happy Birthday!


13、May your birthday bring lots of joy in the year you have begun. Accept my wishes for many happy returns on your birthday.


14、Warmest wishes that your birthday holds nothing but the best. The finest things in life today and every day!


15、In hon our of your moving out of the twenties, we are giving you a marvelous birthday party.


16、The kindest friend there could ever be is the kind of friend you are to me.Happy Birthday!

——世上如有诤友, 那就是像你对我那样关怀的朋友。祝你生日快乐!

17、It's time to celebrate your birthday. Happy birthday to an attractive and intellectual girl.


18、I want to be one of the first who say ”Happy birthday to you“。 May everything it take to make a very happy and successful year!


19、A gift of love for your birthday, which is a warm wish from my heart. Happiness for your birthday and always.


20、Wishing you a birthday that is among your very best. I hope that all the years ahead will be as happy as you have been in the past.


21、Happy birthday. May gladness fill your every hour on this special day.


22、We hope that you enjoy this special day and your birthday grows happier by the minute!


热心网友 时间:2022-05-11 22:44

Happy birthday
Wish you happiness
Best wishes to you
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