


发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-19 13:33



热心网友 时间:2023-06-23 10:44

This part of the work mainly consists of two parts, the first part is a research on genes which have been confirmed to be related to A, by searching the previous literature, we find D genes related to A.
By Analogizing with our work, we list it, see the following table.
The second part is how the A proteome works.There have been some researches about proteomics,we find them to do a comparison.
The total number is D, the number of genes that have similar expression patterns of ours is D,which account for how much of the total number.

From the perious researches we can find out that D% of the genes which have been comfirmed to be related to A or participate in A process in other related species have appeared an increasing expression,which is a small part of the total amout.
It draw a conclusion that these genes all participate in the A process more or less,which has a reference value for future studies.
Although there are differences between protein expression level and gene expression level,we can still find some interesting subjects,such as the number is higher when its expression level is the same as gene expression level.


热心网友 时间:2023-06-23 10:45

For your information. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

This work mainly consists of two parts. The first part is the gene research that has been confirmed to have relation to a. By searching through the previous documents, we find that there are d genes related to A. We have listed them out one by one in the table below after a comparison with our own work is made.
The second part is the work about the A proteome. Other people have published relevant articles on Proteomics before. We went through these articles and made a comparison.
There are d genes in total
There are d genes altogether that are almost similar to their own expression patterns. How many percent do they account for in the total?
From the previous work, we could find that d% of these genes conformed to get involved into the A process in the A or other relevant species has had the increased expression. And such genes only account for very small percentage in the total.
It indicates that these genes have more or less got involved into the A process and it is worthy of being used as a source of reference for the later studies.
Even though there is difference between the expression level of protein and that of gene, we all the same can find out some interesting questions from this. For example, its quantity that has the same expression level with that of gene is relatively large.

热心网友 时间:2023-06-23 10:45

This work consists mainly of two parts, part is confirmed and a study of relevant genes, by searching for the predecessors of the literature, we found d about a gene,Analogy in our own work, and we'll list, see the table below.The second part is, a proteomics work, someone is doing it before articles on proteomics, we did a comparisonTotal number of d-and their expression patterns similar to the basic d-, accounted for much of the total.We can see from the predecessor's work, those that have been confirmed in a gene involved in a process or other related species, d% have taken place in increased expression, this is a small percentage of the totalThese genes, more or less involved in a process, and Institute for later referenceDespite the expression of protein and gene expression level vary, but we can still find some interesting problems, such as its high number of consistent with the level of gene expression追问你这是电脑翻译的吧。。。。

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