


发布网友 发布时间:2022-03-06 04:14



热心网友 时间:2022-03-06 05:43




March 12 is the anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat Sen's death. Before his death, Sun Yat Sen attached great importance to forestry construction. Shortly after the founding of the Nanjing Government of the Republic of China, in May 1912, he set up the Ministry of agriculture and forestry, under which he set up the Department of mountain and forestry to take charge of the national forestry administration.



热心网友 时间:2022-03-06 07:01

Sun Yat-sen's life attaches great importance to afforestation. In 1893, he was "on the Li Shu" political literature on, "China wishes to strong, and must urgently agriculture through science, pay attention to arboriculture." 

His speech in Canton in 1924, "Three People's Principles" when repeatedly stressed: "We research to prevent floods and drought in the basic methods are to be planted trees, to build a large-scale national forest."

In 1925, March 12, Sun Yat-sen died in 1928, to commemorate the third anniversary of the death of Sun Yat-sen, held tree-planting ceremony. 

After the March 12 as Arbor Day. February 23, 1979,The sixth meeting of the Third National People's Congress in the form of law to determine our country's March 12 as Arbor Day. March 12 each year as Arbor Day to commemorate the significance of Sun Yat-sen.


1925年,3月12日,孙中山先生逝世,1928年,为纪念孙中山逝世三周年,举行植树式。以后将3月12日定为植树节。 1979年2月23日,第三届全国*常委会第六次会议以法律的形式确定我国的3月12日为植树节。 每年3月12日作为植树节还有纪念孙中山先生的意义。

热心网友 时间:2022-03-06 08:36



About Arbor Day March 12 is Mr. Sun Yat-Sen passed away the commemoration day. Zhongshan Mr. before death extremely takes the forestry construction. In February, 1979, five sessions of Standing Committee of the National People's Congress sixth conference acted according to the State Council the proposition, will pass on March 12 to decide as our country Arbor Day the resolution, this resolution significance lay in mobilizes the national various races people positive afforestation, sped up afforests the motherland and each forestry construction step. Will pass away the date Mr. Sun Yat-Sen to decide as our country Arbor Day, also is for cherish the memory of Mr. Sun Yat-Sen the great achievements, symbolizes the last wish which Zhongshan Mr. has not before death been able to realize in new China to realize and must realize well. In 1981, in under Comrade Deng Xiaoping's proposal, five session of National People's Congress fourth conference passed "about Has developed All the people Duty Tree-planting Movement Resolution".
回答者:于入水 - 同进士出身 七级 3-9 21:34






热心网友 时间:2022-03-06 10:27



About Arbor Day March 12 is Mr. Sun Yat-Sen passed away the commemoration day. Zhongshan Mr. before death extremely takes the forestry construction. In February, 1979, five sessions of Standing Committee of the National People's Congress sixth conference acted according to the State Council the proposition, will pass on March 12 to decide as our country Arbor Day the resolution, this resolution significance lay in mobilizes the national various races people positive afforestation, sped up afforests the motherland and each forestry construction step. Will pass away the date Mr. Sun Yat-Sen to decide as our country Arbor Day, also is for cherish the memory of Mr. Sun Yat-Sen the great achievements, symbolizes the last wish which Zhongshan Mr. has not before death been able to realize in new China to realize and must realize well. In 1981, in under Comrade Deng Xiaoping's proposal, five session of National People's Congress fourth conference passed "about Has developed All the people Duty Tree-planting Movement Resolution".

热心网友 时间:2022-03-06 12:35







热心网友 时间:2022-03-06 15:00

About Arbor Day March 12 is Mr. Sun Yat-Sen passed away the commemoration day. Zhongshan Mr. before death extremely takes the forestry construction. In February, 1979, five sessions of Standing Committee of the National People's Congress sixth conference acted according to the State Council the proposition, will pass on March 12 to decide as our country Arbor Day the resolution, this resolution significance lay in mobilizes the national various races people positive afforestation, sped up afforests the motherland and each forestry construction step. Will pass away the date Mr. Sun Yat-Sen to decide as our country Arbor Day, also is for cherish the memory of Mr. Sun Yat-Sen the great achievements, symbolizes the last wish which Zhongshan Mr. has not before death been able to realize in new China to realize and must realize well. In 1981, in under Comrade Deng Xiaoping's proposal, five session of National People's Congress fourth conference passed "about Has developed All the people Duty Tree-planting Movement Resolution".

热心网友 时间:2022-03-06 17:41

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