


发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-19 20:56



热心网友 时间:2022-04-08 10:07

Then take the object relationship database system PostgreSQL 8.2 editions as the platform, take the SCADA package as the standard, constructed has conformed to CIM the model SCADA system database, based on this, the use document mapping mechanism, system database wrote down PostgreSQL in the database newly built SCADA the memory, formed conforms to the CIM memory database, and increased the digital data service to the SCADA package of related kind, has designed AnalogInput, StatusInput, Control kind of processing flow this article and unifies the SCADA system's concrete real-time business in view of the SCADA system distributional characteristic, used one kind of mixed dispatch algorithm to complete the real-time database dispatch. When design business dispatch algorithm, divides into the first real-time business 3 kind of different priorities business sequences, uses the different priority assignment strategy to 3 kind of different sequences, uses most early the cut-off time priority algorithm (EDF) to the sturdiness and health when business arranges the priority, comes with the simple morning morning to serve algorithm (FCFS) to the non-real-time business to determine that business execution sequence, comes with the static DLS algorithm in is SCADA system's soft real-time business assigns the priority. When concurrent controlling agreement design, used the improvement distributional high priority two stages to lock the agreement, take DHP-2PL as the foundation, made some improvements in conflict processing the concurrent controlling agreement, and has designed the agreement processing flow. Finally this article confirms the database with two test experiments timeliness and in business dispatch algorithm and under the concurrent control regulatory measures database performance. the paper has carried on the summary finally to the entire job, and to further carried on conforms to IEC61970 the standard SCADA system dispatch end development to make some tentative plans.

热心网友 时间:2022-04-08 11:25

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