


发布网友 发布时间:2022-02-26 11:43



热心网友 时间:2022-02-26 13:13

More than 2000 years ago, the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan in the riversideout into the rolling rapids, two thousand years later, has become a traditional festival in May Fifth - Dragon Boat Festival, we package mplings, dragon boat racing, hard-boiled eggs with a variety of ways to commemorate the great patriotic poet.
Dragon Boat Festival is a year, I would like to experience the atmosphere experience this once asked her grandmother, she taught me how to package rice mplings.
Bao mplings, first of all to clean skin of bamboo leaves in hot water in the soft foam. Re ready to dates, eggs, meat and so do collapse, the depression will be your favorite tasty cooked, you can start a. Indocalamus long before folding, to crowded, make a nest, the deployment of intermediate good into the glutinous rice and rice, including the edges and corners. And then the subsidence on the Miri, and even rubbing together, and finally the skin of bamboo leaf wrapped rice mplings into the shape of the corners.
This is the whole package mplings effort to work together in the final process, your mplings packages well, it depends on the four corners is not symmetry, is not a type. When I started school, four corners always get wrong, and not become a six Kok, is rubbing the ball together.
Grandma looked at me on more than one of the "masterpiece" laugh: "This, this can be called mplings? Do you allow fine line where ah?"
I fainted! The feelings of the four-out edges and corners mplings is to facilitate the use of fine line linked up, how this world is not round mplings on it?
Package rice mplings into the pot with a good火煮Meng, about 1 hour later, changed the text can火煮30 minutes.
In the process of making mplings, I'm always eager to see the situation to open the lid. Because the mplings from the pot飘出aroma, DC saliva I was greedy.
Wait a long time is always special to see steaming hot from the pot of mplings finally "liberate" them, I danced for joy. On the bowl, ripping out with chopsticks, you can see inside the soft golden "brown the meat," and a bite, taste great, I almost have to bite even chopsticks down.
Dragon Boat Festival this year, I learned how to package mplings, tasting the fruits of their labor, it is not an ordinary sweet feeling.
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