


发布网友 发布时间:2022-02-26 03:26



热心网友 时间:2022-02-26 04:56

Adding steel fiber concrete block matrix the emergence and development of concrete cracks, compared with ordinary concrete, presents a better anti-cracking performance. GNA expansion agent with low dosage, low alkali content, and the advantages of good dispersion performance, mixed with proper amount of concrete GNA stable inflation rate, the late charge becomes smaller, the intensity is high performance significantly, fiber and expansion agent and adding can well meet the requirement of modern building crack, waterproof rability. Combining with engineering example, the high grade concrete mixing fiber and expansive agent in the preparation and application was summarized. 求采纳!!

热心网友 时间:2022-02-26 06:14

Adding steel fiber into concrete blocks the emergence and development of concrete cracks.Comparing with ordinary concrete, it presents a better anti-cracking performance. GNA expansion agent has the advantage of low dosage, low alkali content and good dispersion performance. Mixing GNA with proper amount of concrete, the expansion rate becomes stable, the contraction at the late stage becomes less, and the strength performance is significantly higher. Adding both steel fiber and expansion agent can well meet the rability requirements of modern building for crack prevention and waterproof. Combining with real engineering cases, the preparation and application of the high grade concrete mixing with steel fiber and expansion agent has been summarized.

热心网友 时间:2022-02-26 07:48

the concrete which is mixed with steel fibre blocks the proction and development of the original concrete. compared with common concrete,it present better anti-cracking properties.
GNA expanding agent has the advantages of low accretion,low alkali content and good dispersity. the concrete which is mixed with moderate GNA has obvious properties of stable anti-cracking rate, tiny contract in later stage,and high intensity. the mixture of steel fibre and expanding agent can better meet the requirements of the anti-cracking of modern architecture,waterproof , and endorance. combine the practical engineering sample,we conclude in practical preparation and use of the mixure of high grade concrete.steel fibre and expanding agent.
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