


发布网友 发布时间:2022-03-26 08:10



热心网友 时间:2022-03-26 09:40



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SetCheatPlayer True Enables Cheat Menu 开启作弊选单

SetCheatPlayer False Disables Cheat Menu 关闭作弊选单

AdminCheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck Whitelists a player 将玩家设为白名单

AdminCheat DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck Removes player from whitelist 将玩家从白名单移除

AdminCheat Broadcast Broadcasts a message to the whole server. 送出信息给所有人

AdminCheat SetMessageOfTheDay Sets the MOD 设定MOD

AdminCheat God Unkillable, except you can drown. 无敌

AdminCheat Fly Able to Fly 飞行模式

AdminCheat Walk Deactivates Flying 取消飞行模式

AdminCheat Teleport Teleports you in the direction you are facing. 传送至你当前看的点

AdminCheat Slomo <#> Changes server speed. Values are 1-5. 1 = Normal Speed 设定时间速度,1=正常速度

AdminCheat PlayersOnly Freezes all Dinos at their current position. Also freezes crafting. 冻结所有恐龙行动,制作中的工作也会受影响

AdminCheat Ghost Noclip, walk through walls/objects. 穿墙模式

AdminCheat ForceTame Instantly tames a Dino. Can ride without saddle. 强制驯化恐龙(看著要驯的恐龙打这指令)

AdminCheat AddExperience 1000 0 0 1 Gives yourself 1000 XP 给自己经验值 1000(可改其它值)

-AddExperience (value for first number) (toggle option in relation to tribe) (Second toggle) (third toggle) so in total there should be 4 separate numbers.

AdminCheat GiveResources Gives you 50 of all resources 给各种资源物件50份

AdminCheat InfiniteStats Infinite Hunger, Stamina, Ammo, etc.. 状态/子弹不减 (饥饿、耐力、免装弹....等)

BanPlayer Bans user from server 后面加玩家ID,将玩家踢出

UnBanPlayer Unbans user from server 后面加玩家ID, 将玩家取消踢出

AdminCheat DamageTarget Damages a creature you are looking at for a set amount 伤害当前所看的目标

AdminCheat DestroyAllEnemies Destroys all enemies. They respawn after a while. 杀死所有的恐龙,过一会会重生出来

GiveEngrams unlocks all crafting recipes for your character -* Bugged - You can't craft these recipes 开启所有蓝图 (目前此功能有问题)

AdminCheat HurtMe Deals damage to yourself 伤害自己(自杀)

ToggleGun Toggles visibility of current equipped item 当前装备物品* 开/关

AdminCheat SetTimeOfDay Changes time of day 设定时间 (后面要加时间 如 settimeofday 04:00)

AdminCheat SetPlayerPos 0 0 0 Allows you to teleport to coordinates. 传送到座标( 如 setplayerpos 12,12,132)

AdminCheat SaveWorld Saves current worldstate 手动储存

AdminCheat Quit Exits the current world. Use after saving for a safe shutdown. 离开游戏

AdminCheat ExecSetSleeping True/False Puts character to sleep/wakes them up 设定玩家为睡眠(true)/醒来(false)

AdminCheat EnemyInvisible True/False Makes all creatures ignore you even if you attack them 玩家隐身,恐龙就算被打也看不到

AdminCheat DestroyAll Destroys all Objects/Dinos of a classname 删除所有物件及恐龙

AdminCheat Summon Summons a dino at your location. 召唤一只恐龙到当前位置

AdminCheat GiveItemNum Gives you an item. 给指定的物品 请参照下面的物品ID >>例1: giveitemnum 105 1 1 false 给储存箱 1个

Stat FPS Shows your FPS and latency, usable by anyone. 显示帧数



SetCheatPlayer True Enables Cheat Menu 开启作弊选单

SetCheatPlayer False Disables Cheat Menu 关闭作弊选单

God Unkillable, except you can drown. 无敌

Fly Able to Fly 飞行模式

Walk Deactivates Flying 取消飞行模式

Teleport Teleports you in the direction you are facing. 传送至你当前看的点

Slomo <#> Changes server speed. Values are 1-5. 1 = Normal Speed 设定时间速度,1=正常速度

PlayersOnly Freezes all Dinos at their current position. Also freezes crafting. 冻结所有恐龙行动,制作中的工作也会受影响

Ghost Noclip, walk through walls/objects. 穿墙模式

ForceTame Instantly tames a Dino. Can ride without saddle. 强制驯化恐龙(看著要驯的恐龙打这指令)

AddExperience 1000 0 0 1 Gives yourself 1000 XP 给自己经验值 1000(可改其它值)

-AddExperience (value for first number) (toggle option in relation to tribe) (Second toggle) (third toggle) so in total there should be 4 separate numbers.

GiveResources Gives you 50 of all resources 给各种资源物件50份

InfiniteStats Infinite Hunger, Stamina, Ammo, etc.. 状态/子弹不减 (饥饿、耐力、免装弹....等)

DamageTarget Damages a creature you are looking at for a set amount 伤害当前所看的目标

DestroyAllEnemies Destroys all enemies. They respawn after a while. 杀死所有的恐龙,过一会会重生出来

GiveEngrams unlocks all crafting recipes for your character -* Bugged - You can't craft these recipes 开启所有蓝图 (目前此功能有问题)

HurtMe Deals damage to yourself 伤害自己(自杀)例 hurtme 1000

ToggleGun Toggles visibility of current equipped item 当前装备物品* 开/关

SetTimeOfDay Changes time of day 设定时间 (后面要加时间 如 settimeofday 04:00)

SetPlayerPos 0 0 0 Allows you to teleport to coordinates. 传送到座标( 如 setplayerpos 12,12,132)

SaveWorld Saves current worldstate 手动储存

Quit Exits the current world. Use after saving for a safe shutdown. 离开游戏

ExecSetSleeping True/False Puts character to sleep/wakes them up 设定玩家为睡眠(true)/醒来(false)

EnemyInvisible True/False Makes all creatures ignore you even if you attack them 玩家隐身,恐龙就算被打也看不到

DestroyAll Destroys all Objects/Dinos of a classname 删除所有物件及恐龙

Summon Summons a dino at your location. 召唤一只恐龙到当前位置

GiveItemNum Gives you an item. 给指定的物品 请参照下面的物品ID >>例1: giveitemnum 105 1 1 false 给储存箱 1个

Stat FPS Shows your FPS and latency, usable by anyone. 显示帧数

热心网友 时间:2022-03-26 10:58

软件版本:全版本软件大小:593.92KB软件授权:免费适用平台:Win2000 WinXP Win2003 Win8 Win7 Win10 下载地址:http://dl.pconline.com.cn/download/1350813.html

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