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热心网友 时间:2023-10-02 04:10

******** 幻灯片一
(大标题)简介 Introction of Harvard University
(小标题1)1. A private university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.
(小标题2)2. A top university worldwide
(小标题3)3. The oldest institution of higher learning in U.S.
(小标题4)4. The first and oldest corporation in North America

讲解内容:Harvard University (incorporated as The President and Fellows of Harvard College) is a private university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S., and a member of the Ivy League. Founded in 1636 by the colonial Massachusetts legislature, Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. It is also the first and oldest corporation in North America.

Harvard is consistently ranked at or near the top of international college and university rankings, and has the second-largest financial endowment of any non-profit organization (behind the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), standing at $28.8 billion as of 2008.

******** 幻灯片二
(大标题)历史 History
(小标题1)1. Established in 1636. Named after John Harvard
讲解内容:Harvard College was established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and was named for its first benefactor, John Harvard of Charlestown, a young minister who, upon his death in 1638, left his library and half his estate to the new institution.

(小标题2)2. Early years - typical English university model
During its early years, the College offered a classic academic course based on the English university model but consistent with the prevailing Puritan philosophy of the first colonists. Although many of its early graates became ministers in Puritan congregations throughout New England, the College was never formally affiliated with a specific religious denomination.

(小标题3)3. 1830 - 1870 A genuine university and one of the "Big Three"
讲解内容:Between 1830 and 1870 Harvard became a genuine university and the 'greatest university in all creation'".

Harvard was also an early leader in admitting ethnic and religious minorities and earned a reputation as the most liberal and democratic of the Big Three. In 1870, one year into Eliot's term, Richard Theodore Greener became the first African-American to graate from Harvard College. Seven years later, Louis Brandeis, the first Jewish justice on the Supreme Court, graated from Harvard Law School.

(小标题4)4. The twentieth century - internationally well-known
讲解内容:During the twentieth century, Harvard's international reputation grew as a burgeoning endowment and prominent professors expanded the university's scope. Explosive growth in the student population continued with the addition of new graate schools and the expansion of the undergraate program. Radcliffe College, established in 1879 as sister school of Harvard College, became one of the most prominent schools for women in the United States.

******** 幻灯片三
(大标题)近年发展 Recent developments
(小标题1)1. No transfer applicants would be admitted for academic years 2009-2011.
讲解内容:In a controversial decision in March 2008, Harvard announced that no transfer applicants would be admitted for the next two academic years, in an effort to rece overcrowding in the undergraate residential House system. This decision was announced after the academic year 2008-2009 transfer applications had already been submitted. Mandana Sassanfar, co-master of Winthrop House, said that the House Masters have been discussing the issue of overcrowding since late 2007 and "decided it was more important to have enough housing for our own students first." This decision has been called "rash," “outrageous,” and “heartbreaking” by transfer applicants and others at Harvard.

(小标题2)2. Harvard Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences became the 14th School of Harvard in 2007.
讲解内容:In February 2007, the Harvard Corporation and Overseers formally approved the Harvard Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences to become the 14th School of Harvard (Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences). In his April letter Dean of Faculty of Arts and Sciences Jeremy Knowles said, "most of the net growth in the next few years will be in the sciences and engineering."

(小标题3)3. Drew Gilpin Faust is the 28th president of Harvard - the first female president in the university's history.
讲解内容:On February 21, 2006, president Lawrence Summers announced his intention to resign from the presidency, effective June 30, 2006. Drew Gilpin Faust is the 28th president of Harvard. An American historian, former dean of the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, and Lincoln Professor of History at Harvard University, Faust is the first female president in the university's history.

(小标题4)4. Harvard University received the largest single endowment from one source in its history in 2008.
讲解内容:It was announced in the fall of 2008 that Harvard University had received the largest single endowment from one source in its history when Hansjorg Wyss donated $125 million to Harvard University to found the multidisciplinary Hansjorg Wyss Institute at the Medical School. It would help expand the drive for nanotechnological development, stem cell research, bioengineering, molecular biology, and similar issues. In December 2008, Harvard announced that its endowment had lost 22% (approximately $8 billion) in the period July to October 2008, which may necessitate budget cuts.

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热心网友 时间:2023-10-02 04:10

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