

谁有"江苏常州戚墅堰机车车辆工艺研究所"的英文公司简介? 加急_百度知...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-06-11 22:01



热心网友 时间:2024-06-11 22:07

戚墅堰机车车辆工艺研究所位于长江三角洲,东邻太湖,南邻隔湖,西有茅山度假胜地, 距京杭大运河仅百米之遥,沪宁高速公路戚墅堰出口仅3公里,戚墅堰站刚好是沪宁铁路中段。我所成立于1959年9月,其中工程技术人员500余人,高级技术人员150余人,是集科研、生产、经营于一体的综合性工程技术研究开发机构。热加工、冷加工是我所的特长,特种加工工艺则是我所的专长。取得各项成果400余项,多次荣获国家、部、省级奖励,在国内外享有较高的声誉。
Qishuyan Locomotive Research Institute of vehicles in the Yangtze River Delta, east Taihu Lake,南邻at Lake, west Maoshan resort from the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal only 100 metres away, the Shanghai-Nanjing expressway Qishuyan export only three kilometers, just Qishuyan Station Huning Railway is the middle. I set up in September 1959, including more than 500 engineering and technical personnel, senior technical staff of more than 150 people, scientific research, production and operation of an integrated engineering research and development institutions. Thermal processing, and cold is my strong points, and special processing technology is my expertise. The results obtained more than 400 items, many countries won, ministry, provincial awards at home and abroad enjoy high reputation.

Welding Engineering Surface Technology is the vehicle Qishuyan car subsidiary specializing in the Institute of Welding Technology, welding equipment, and surface technology, surface engineering equipment and materials research and development production agency. With a long and rich experience in the welding and surface engineering and technical research team of professionals, which are equipped with advanced research tools, and improve the various testing facilities, with the level of contemporary art production facilities at home and abroad. Bear the welding and surface engineering technology, technical advice, technical research, technical collaboration services, following welding and surface engineering of the design, manufacture, installation, commissioning works, but also the "national electric brush and technological cooperation" and " China Zhigongjixie brush plating Association, "linked units.

我部科研成果多次获得国家和省部级的奖励,拥有国家科技进步一等奖一项;国家科技进步二等奖二项,国家科技进步三等奖一项,以及多项省部级奖励 我部的TD系列电刷镀设备溶液,工辅具,空气等离子切割机,等离子喷涂设备畅销国内,为用户信得过产品,并远销十多个国家和地区。 常州戚墅堰电刷镀研发中心的电刷镀技术1985年获国家科技进步一等奖,1983年至今被列为“六五”、“七五”、“八五”、“九五”、“十五”计划期间的重点推广项目,感谢全国广大新老客户的支持与厚爱,欢迎光临指导紧密合作。我们会满足客户的各种需求。
I won many of the scientific research national and provincial-level incentives, has won a national science and technology progress; National Scientific and Technological Progress Award two second class, a National Science and Technology and Industry for National Defense, as well as a number of provincial-level award I of the series, the TD brush equipment solution, the auxiliary equipment, air plasma cutting machine, plasma spraying equipment domestic selling for users trust products, and exported to more than 10 countries and regions. Qishuyan, Changzhou brush, brush the R & D center technology in 1985 won by the country's scientific and technological progress, so far in 1983 were classified as "June 5", "July 5," "Eighth" and the "Ninth Five-Year", "10 5 "plan to promote the focus of the project for China's vast number of old and new customers for their support and love, please visit our close cooperation. We will meet the diverse needs of customers.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-11 22:01

Jiangsu Changzhou Qishuyan Rolling Stock Technology Institute
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