

三个贬义的成语如题 谢谢了

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 04:42



热心网友 时间:2023-08-22 17:11

滥竽充数 齐宣王很喜欢听至少三百人吹竽的合奏。 有个不会吹竽的隐士南郭先生,晋见宣王。自我吹嘘一番,请求参加合奏乐队。宣王欣然同意,给他的报酬个其他数百人相等。 后来,宣王死了,湣王继承王位。他和父亲不同,喜欢听一个一个的独奏。南郭先生知道自己就要露出马脚,便溜之大吉。 这成语喻指没有真正才干的人,混在行家里面充数;或指那些冒充好货的次货。 这成语指他人时,表示鄙视;指自己时,表示谦虚。 Pretending to play the yu King Xuān of the Qi State heartily enjoyed yu ensemble of at least three hundred players. A hermit named Mr.Nanguo who couldn't play the yu, had an audience with King Xuan and boasted , then asked to take part in the ensemble band. King Xuan gladly consented and gave him the same reward as the others . Later, King Xuan died and King Min succeeded to the throne. Unlike his father, King Min liked solos one by one, Mr.Nanguo knew he would let slip and sneaked away. This set phrase means those who haven’t real ability and leaning make the number among the experts, or the inferior goods passed off as excellent goods. This set phrase show contempt when used to describe others and modesty when used to describe oneself. 画蛇添足 楚国有户人家祭祀祖先,赏了一壶酒给几个门客喝。 几个门客商议说:"一壶酒不够大家喝,一个人倒可以喝个够。不如这样,我们每人在地上画一条蛇,谁先画好,这壶酒就归谁喝。" 大家都同意了。 有个人最先画成了蛇,伸手把酒壶拿了过来,左手端着酒壶,右手却还在画着,嘴里说:"我还能为蛇添上足!" 谁知,他的蛇足还没画完,另一个人已经画好了蛇,伸手从他手上把酒壶夺了过去,说:"蛇本来就没有足,你怎么能够为它添足呢?"说罢,便喝起酒来。 画蛇添足的人终究没有能够喝那壶酒。 Gild the lily A wealthy family held a memorial ceremony for their ancestors. After the ritual, the host offered a jar of wine to his dependents. The men began to talk about the jar of wine, “The wine is just not enough for all of us, but too much for one of us. How about each of us drawing a snake on the ground? Who finishes drawing the snake first, the wine will go to him.” This proposal was agreed upon by all. One man completed his drawing first and got the jar wine. Then he held the jar in his left hand, brush in the right hand, saying, “I can add legs to the snake.” But before he finished drawing the snake’s feet, “another man completed his drawing. He seized the jar of wine from the first man’s hand, saying: “Snakes have no legs at all. Why are you adding legs to it? “In the meantime, he began to enjoy the wine, leaving the other man stupefied. 东施效颦 古时候,越国有两个女子,一个长得很美,叫西施,一个长得很丑,叫东施。东施很羡慕西施的美丽,就时时模仿西施的一举一动。有一天,西施犯了心口疼的病,走在大街上,用手捂住胸口,双眉紧皱。东施一见,以为西施这样就是美,于是也学着她的样子在大街上走来走去,可是街上行人见了她的这个样子,吓得东躲*,不敢去看她。 后来人们就用“东施效颦”来比喻不知道人家的好处和本身的缺点在哪里,胡乱模仿。其中的“效”是“仿效”,“颦”是“皱眉”的意思。 Aping a Beauty (Dong Shi Xiao Ping) Xi Shi, a famous beauty, had a pain in her bosom, so she had a frown on her face when she went out. An ugly girl named Dong Shi who lived nearby saw her and thought she looked very beautiful. Therefore when she went home, she also put her hands on her bosom and had a frown on her face. When a rich man in the neighborhood saw her, he shut his doors tightly and did not go out. When a poor man saw her, he took his wife and children and gave her a wide berth. She only knew Xi Shi's frown looked beautiful but she did not know the reason for its beauty.
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