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1. Junlan Gao, Qiulin Yue, Yishun Ji, Beijiu Cheng, Xin Zhang*, Novel synthesis strategy for preparation of indivial phytosterol oxides, Journal of Agricutural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61, 982-988.
2. Dongqing Cai, Longhai Wang, Xin Zhang*, Zhengyan Wu*, Controlling pesticide loss by natural porous micro/nano composites: straw ash-based biochar and biosilica, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, in press.
3. Qiulin Yue, Xiuhong Zhou, Qianli Leng, Lele Zhang, Beijiu Cheng, Xin Zhang*, 7-Ketocholesterol-inced caspase-mediated apoptosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, FEMS Yeast Research, accepted.
4. Xin Zhang, Hui Pan, Bonnie Peng, Donald F. Steiner, John E. Pintar, Lloyd D. Fricker, Neuropeptidomic analysis establishes a major role for prohormone convertase-2 in neuropeptide biosynthesis, Journal of Neurochemistry, 2010, 112, 1168-1179.
5. Jonathan H. Wardman, Xin Zhang, Sandra Gagnon, Leandro M. Castro, Xiaorong Zhu, Donald F. Steiner, Robert Day, Lloyd D. Fricker, Analysis of peptides in prohormone convertase 1/3 null mouse brain using quantitative peptidomics, Journal of Neurochemistry, 2010, 114, 215-225.
6. Sebastian Tanco, Xin Zhang, Cain Morano, Francesc X. Avilés, Julia Lorenzo, Lloyd D. Fricker, Characterization of the substrate specificity of human carboxypeptidase A4 and implications for a role in extracellular peptide processing, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010, 285, 18385-18396.
7. Denise A. Berti, Cain Morano, Lilian C. Russo, Leandro M. Castro, Fernanda M. Cunha, Xin Zhang, Juan Sironi, Clécio F. Klitzke, Emer S. Ferro, Lloyd D. Fricker, Analysis of intracellular substrates and procts of thimet oligopeptidase (EC in human embryonic kidney 293 cells, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2009, 284, 14105-14116.
8. Xin Zhang, Fan-Yun Che, Iryna Berezniuk, Kemal Sonmez, Lawrence Toll, Lloyd D. Fricker, Peptidomics of Cpefat/fat mouse brain regions: Implications for neuropeptide processing, Journal of Neurochemistry, 2008, 107, 1596-1613.
9. Cain Morano, Xin Zhang (co-first author), Lloyd D. Fricker, Multiple isotopic labels for quantitative mass spectrometry, Analytical Chemistry, 2008, 80, 9298–9309.
10. Fa-yun Che, Xin Zhang, Iryna Berezniuk, Myrasol Callaway, Jihyeon Lim, Lloyd D. Fricker, Optimization of neuropeptide extraction from the mouse hypothalamus, Journal of Proteome Research, 2007, 6, 4667-4676.
11. Stamatiki Roussi, Francine Gossé, Dalal Aoudé-Werner, Xin Zhang, Eric Marchioni, Philippe Geoffroy, Michel Miesch, Francis Raul, Mitochondrial perturbation, oxidative stress and lysosomal destabilization are involved in 7β-hydroxysitosterol and 7β-hydroxycholesterol triggered apoptosis in human colon cancer cells, Apoptosis, 2007, 12, 87-96.
12. Xin Zhang, Diane Julien-David, Michel Miesch, Francis Raul, Philippe Geoffroy, Dalal Aoudé-Werner, Saïd Ennahar, Eric Marchioni, Quantitative analysis of β-sitosterol oxides in vegetable oils inced by natural sunlight, artificially generated ultraviolet light and irradiation, Journal of Agricutural and Food Chemistry, 2006, 54, 5410-5415.
13. Xin Zhang, Amandine Cambrai, Michel Miesch, Stamatiki Roussi, Francis Raul, Dalal Aoudé-Werner, Eric Marchioni, Separation of 5- and 7-phytosterols by adsorption chromatography and semi-preparative RP-HPLC for quantitative analysis of phytosterols in foods, Journal of Agricutural and Food Chemistry, 2006, 54, 1196-1202.
14. Stamatiki Roussi, Francine Gossé, Dalal Aoudé-Werner, Xin Zhang, Philippe Geoffroy, Michel Miesch, Eric Marchioni, Francis Raul, Perturbation of polyamine metabolism and its relation to cell death in human colon cancer cells treated by 7β-hydroxycholesterol and 7β-hydroxysitosterol, International Journal of Oncology, 2006, 29, 1549-1554.
15. Xin Zhang, Diane Julien-David, Michel Miesch, Philippe Geoffroy, Francis Raul, Stamatiki Roussi, Dalal Aoudé-Werner, Eric Marchioni, Identification and quantitative analysis of β-sitosterol oxides in vegetable oils by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, Steroids, 2005, 70, 896-906.
16. Xin Zhang, Philippe Geoffroy, Michel Miesch, Diane Julien-David, Francis Raul, Dalal Aoudé-Werner, Eric Marchioni, Gram-scale chromatographic purification of β-sitosterol: Synthesis and characterization of β-sitosterol oxides, Steroids, 2005, 70, 886-895.
17. Stamatiki Roussi, Annelise Winter, Francine Gossé, Dalal Aoudé-Werner, Xin Zhang, Eric Marchioni, Philippe Geoffroy, Michel Miesch, Francis Raul, Different apoptotic mechanisms are involved in the antiproliferative effects of 7β-hydroxysitosterol and 7β-hydroxycholesterol in human colon cancer cells, Cell Death & Differentiation, 2005, 12, 128-135

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