


发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 03:24



热心网友 时间:2023-09-08 15:47

1 航海到某地去 sail to a place
2 打败了英国人 defeat the British
英国 Britain
英国的 British
3 香槟酒 champagne
矿泉水 mineral water
日本米酒 sake
4 既然冬天已经在我们身后,那么许多人正开始考虑去国外度暑假。 Now that winter is behind us, many people are starting to think about going abroad for the summer holiday.
既然…那么… now…that… = since
开始做某事 start doing sth. = start to do sth. = begin doing sth. = begin to do sth.
考虑做某事 think about doing sth.
去国外度暑假 go abroad for the summer holiday
5 为什么不做某事? Why not do sth. ? = Why don’t you/we do sth. ? = What about doing sth. ?
6 为什么不起飞去法国旅行呢? Why not spread your wings and visit France?
起飞 spread your wings
法国 France
法国的 French
法国人 Frenchman
7 一个奇妙的地方 a wonderful place
怀疑 wonder
奇妙的 wonderful
奇妙地 wonderfully
8 去度假 go for a holiday
9 法国是一个适合于度假的奇妙的地方。 France is a wonderful place to go for a holiday.
10 这是一个大国,在英吉利海峡,大西洋和地中海中有着许多海岸。 It is a huge country, with coasts on the English Channel, the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Seas.
英吉利海峡 the English Channel
大西洋 the Atlantic Ocean
地中海 the Mediterranean Seas
11 例外 in addition
加 add
总共 addition
总共的 additional
12 它有许多适合于滑冰的山区。 It has many mountain regions which are excellent for skiing.
有许多山区 have many mountain regions
十分适合于滑冰 be excellent for skiing
13 法国中部是一个能种庄稼例如小麦和向日葵的一个大农业化的地区。 The centre of France is a big, agricultural region, growing crops such as wheat and sunflowers.
法国中部 the centre of France
例如 such as = for example
种植庄稼 grow crops
一个大的农业化的地区 a big agricultural region
农业 agriculture
农业化的 agricultural
地区 region
地区化的 regional
14 令人惊奇的是开车驶过田野,看上去是一望无际的,或者是整个山覆盖着一排排整齐的葡萄藤。 It is amazing to drive past fields which seems to go on forever or whole hills covered with neat rows of grapevines.
对做某事感到非常惊奇 It is amazing to do sth. = It is surprising to do sth.
开车驶过某地 drive past fields
一望无际 go on forever
好像/似乎 seem to
整个山脉覆盖着一排排整齐的葡萄藤 whole hills covered with neat rows of grapevines
被某物覆盖着 be covered with sth.
覆盖着 cover…with…
整齐的 neat
整齐地 neatly
15 最优美的景色之一 one of the most scenic
尼瓦尔河流域 the Loire Valley
场面 scene
优美的 scenic
景色 scenery
16 最优美的景色之一是尼瓦尔河流域,你能参观曾经法国国王和女王住过的旧城堡。 One of the most scenic is the Loire Valley, where you can visit the old castles in which the kings and queens of France used to live.
过去常常做某事 used to do sth. → didn’t use to do sth.
习惯于(做)某事 be used to sth. / doing sth.
17 法国的首都 the capital of France
18 最流行的旅游胜地之一 one of the most popular tourist destinations
19 有着世界著名的标志物 with its world-famous landmarks
20 例如艾菲尔铁塔和凯旋门 such as the Eiffel Tower and the Arcde Triomphe
21 它的宽度有着两旁种植树的街道 its wide, tree-lined streets
宽阔的 wide
宽阔地 widely
拓展 widen
22 世界上最美丽的城市之一 one of the most beautiful cities in the world
23 带上你和你的孩子一起去 take your children with you
24 恰好离开巴黎中心一个小时的路程 be just an hour away from the centre of France
25 提供许多与迪斯尼乐园相同有吸引力的公园 offer many of the same attractions as the Disney parks
吸引 attract
有吸引的 attractive
吸引力 attraction
26 想要接着参观英国 want to go on to visit Britain
27 做这件事不用乘飞机和渡轮船 do it without flying or taking a ferry
28 用它的绰号 use its nickname
29 从巴黎到伦敦乘火车去旅行 travel by train from Paris to London
大约在三个小时之内 in about three hours
30 受到法国的影响 see the influence of France
有影响的 influent
影响 influence
31 在某些方面 in some ways
32 以它的食物而著名 be famous for its food
33 提供法式面包和蛋糕 provide French bread and cakes
烘烤 bake
面包师 baker
面包房 bakery
为某人提供某物 provide sb. with sth.
34 其他流行的法国产品 other popular French procts
35 许多世界顶级品牌 many of the world’s top designer names
设计 design
设计师 designer
36 比如迪奥衣服 such as Dior in clothes
香奈尔香水 Chanel in perfume
卡地亚珠宝 Cartier in jewellery
37 对许多中国人很熟悉 be familiar to many Chinese people
38 沿着南京路快速行走 a quick walk along Nanjing Road
39 提醒你想到许多相同的名字 remind you of many similar names
40 法国在艺术和文化上是一个权威。France is a leader in art and culture.
领导 lead
领袖 leader
有领导性的 leading
文化 culture
有文化的 cultural
艺术 art
美术家 artist
41 来自许多不同国家的年轻学生 a lot of young students from different countries
42 去法国进修学习 go to France to further their studies
远 far---farther/further---farthest/furthest
43 法国电影节,展览会,音乐会 French film festival, exhibitions, concerts
44 被全世界组织 be organized all over the world
全世界 all over the world = throughout the world
组织 organize
组织 organization
45 为了…去某地获得更多的知识 get the most out of your holiday
46 为什么不试着学习法语? Why not try learning French? = Why don’t you/we try learning French?
尽力去做某事 try to do sth. = manage to do sth.
试着做某事 try doing sth.
47 在一些语言学校里 in some language schools
48 遍及整个城市 around the city
49 使某人有能力去做某事 enable sb. to do sth.
有能力的 able
使…有能力的 enable
*力的 unable
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