


发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 02:27



热心网友 时间:2023-07-01 16:51

- How about this one?
- It's great.

If you wanna go to Greece
looking like Laverne De Fazio.

- Who?
- ' s TV icon.

Am I the only one who's
not culturally deprived?

Tibby forgot to take
her happy pill this morning.

Actually, I'm saving them for when
I'm stuck doing time at Wallmans...

...while the rest of you jet off
on your little adventures.

Boo-hoo, Tibby.
You are such a drama queen.

I am going to South Carolina.
That is only, like, three states away.

It's abandonment, nevertheless.
I hate you all.

You're the one who wanted
to stay here all summer...

...and angst it out
making your documentary.

Yeah, it's gonna be a huge hit.

Thrilling footage on
how to stack deodorant.

I think I'm gonna start my own genre,
call it the "suckumentary. "

Lena, look at this! Oh, my goodness.

- They're perfect.
- I can't wear a bikini.

Don't you know all the beaches
in Greece are nude?

- What?
- She's just kidding, Lena.

God, I envy you.

You get to go to a place
where there's actually guys.

I thought you were looking forward
to El Campo de F鸥bol.

She sure was until she found out
it was girls only.

- No boys allowed.
- Don't talk about it.

Hey, pierce alert, pierce alert.

Sorry, young lady, no more holes.

Take those out right now
and try these on.

- Look. Here you go.
- Put them on.

- Go, go, go.
- Okay, Carmen... Carmen.

Tibby, you're a babe!

Tibby, you look amazing.
Turn around. Look at you!

- Carmen!
- You look wonderful.

- It looks good.
- It looked great on you. Please buy them.

- You try them on, then.
- But I don't wear jeans.

Yeah. Or bikinis or miniskirts...

...or anything else that might actually
show you have a shape.

I do not.

Tibby, those look so great on you.
Why can't you just admit it?

Because I'm wallowing in self-pity.

- Lena!
- Are you serious?

- You have a body!
- Look at that.

Lena Kaligaris has a body!

- Stop it! I do not.
- When did this happen?

- You look good in them.
- Look at you.

You look good! Little Lena.

You're the one who loves jeans so much,
why don't you try them?

- Maybe because I'm inches taller than you.
- Fair's fair.

- Hey, how can they be perfect on you too?
- That is a little weird.

I don't know, but it's really starting
to freak me out.

Okay, Carmen, it's your turn.

Carmen, you try them on.

- Oh, come on, honestly. Are you serious?
- You have to.

You think that a pair of jeans that fits
all three of you is going to fit all of this?

- Put them on. Now.
- We'll help your thighs get into them.

- Tibby! Come on, now.
- I'm just kidding.

Will you help me get out of them?

Carmen, we all tried them on.
Just try them.

All right.

My thighs.

Sassy britches.

Get over these thighs.

Okay, here we go.

What? I told you guys.
I'm just gonna take them off...

...and we're gonna pretend
like this never happened.

No, Carmen, come over here
and look at yourself.

- They look amazing on you.
- Look at them.

Call me crazy, but it's
scientifically impossible...

...that a pair of pants could fit me...
- And me.

- And me.
- And me.

This is crazy.

Look, Tib, something happened today
that I can't explain and you can't explain.

- Whatever, let's just ignore it.
- We can't just ignore it.

- Why?
- Because it's a sign, the pants...

- Be quiet, you're gonna...
- You know what, Tibby?

- Sometimes you're much too much.
- Be careful.

- I'm fine, Lena.
- Oh, my God. You're gonna fall.

It makes our butts look good.
That's enough for me.

- That's right, amen.
- Get up there. Go on.

- There is more going here than Lycra.
- But there's probably Lycra.

All right, guys, are you ready for this?

In the name of the Father, the Son...

- Here we go.
- Carmen, this isn't church.

You guys! But it's still a sacred place!

I mean, this is where
our moms met, right?

Anyway, look,
we're gathered here today...

...to honor a gift
that has been sent to us.

- So why do we have to pay for them?
- Tibs.

Carmen, go ahead,
just finish what you have to say.

Tonight, on the eve of our separation...

...magic has come to us
in a pair of pants.

And I'm proposing
that we share them equally...

...and that this summer
they travel among us...

...and they'll link us
in hearts and spirits...

...even though we're far apart
from each other.

I think that tonight we're
the sisters of these pantalones.

- Sisters of the Pants?
- Yes!

We need rules.
Every sisterhood has rules.

Thank you. A manifesto.

- Okay.
- Good point. I love it.

Okay, rule number one:

Each sister is going
to keep the pants for...?

- A week.
- A week.

Lena should be first
because Greece is the furthest away.

- Okay.
- Tibby, you next.

- What's your rule?
- I don't have a rule.

- Yes, you do.
- Tibs, come on.

No picking your nose
when wearing the pants.

- Honestly.
- That's not...

You can casually scratch
while really picking a little.

- Thanks for the allowance.
- Good rule.

When sending the pants,
we'll write a letter...

... detailing the most exciting thing
that happened while wearing them.

That's good.

So most exciting thing
that happens to you.

And what if nothing exciting happens?

- It will. It has to!
- No, I really doubt it.

And when it happens, and we reunite...

...we will document it
on the pants themselves.

- That's good.
- That's rule number six.

Rule number seven:

Any removal of the pants
must be done by the wearer herself.

Yes, you.


He works, you know.

So he may not have that much time
to spend with you.

So if you get lonely,
come home, okay?

I'm gonna be fine, Mom.

We will never, ever
wash these pants.

Carmen, that's so unnecessary.
Why not?

Because you can't wash the pants.

- Why? Why?
- Carmen, we have to.

What? Are you gonna wash
the magic out of the pants?

The magic's not sanitary.

No, I have a better one.
No double cuffing.

Double-cuffing the pants
at the bottom, it's tacky.

- The ' s are over.
- You know what else is tacky?

Tucking in your shirt
and wearing a belt at the same time.

- I don't do that anymore.
- Good one.

I did that one time.

- Forbidden to cuff or tuck.
- Okay, okay.

- No cuffing or tucking.
- My turn, my turn.

- Okay.
- Yes, Bee?

You can never say you look fat
while wearing the pants.

You can't even think it!

All passengers,
this is the final boarding call...

Take care,
and be sure to write, huh?

You too. Bye.

You better get going.
Looks like they're starting to board.

- That's nine.
- So we need one more.

- We need a final rule.
- Final rule.
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